AELS is a charity action to raise money for scientific research against ALS.
The charity action was launched in 2020 with a first limited edition collection of 60 quince jelly jars, customized by three artists: Edith Dekyndt, Michel François and Pieter Vermeersch. A second limited edition collection is on its way.
All proceeds go to 'A Cure for ALS'.
The editions can be purchased in the 'support'-section of this website and can be collected at Société by appointment.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a lethal neuromuscular disease. In some countries the disease is also called MND, Motor Neuron Disease. It is a non-contagious disorder of unknown cause. Sofar there is no successful treatment or prevention method known.
ALS is a progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord. These neurons transfer stimuli from the brain, via the nerves to the muscles. Because these stimuli are not properly transferred any longer, the muscles do not function appropriately.
A Cure for ALS
is the research fund of the ALS League, Belgium. Donations to the fund are spent entirely on scientific research.
AELS is dedicated to my dad, who died of ALS in spring 2022. Without him, Société would never have existed. With this project I encourage you to donate to research against this terrible disease.